Platform Meetup - Loft labs &

Recently, Facets.Cloud co-partnered with Loft Labs to host an event that brought together 200+ DevOps enthusiasts, innovators, and tech enthusiasts under one roof– the Platform Meetup at the Facets.Cloud office, in HSR layout, Bengaluru, the heart of India's startup capital. If you couldn't attend, don't worry; this blog is your backstage pass to the exciting insights from the event.

The day started off with our participants enjoying some delicious breakfast before getting ready to indulge in the speaker sessions and discussions around Platform Engineering.

As the crowd settled in, Hrittik Roy, Platform Advocate at Loft Labs, took the stage to kick off the event with a warm welcome and introduction to the event.

Read ahead for more valuable insights from the meetup.

Speaker Spotlight

Multitenancy in Kubernetes Era

Saiyam Pathak, Principal DevRel, Loft Labs

The first speaker, Saiyam Pathak, Principal Developer Advocate, Loft Labs, dove into the intricacies of Multitenancy in Kubernetes Era. His keynote presentation was a masterclass in cloud-native technologies, complete with a live vCluster demo. It sounds complicated, but he made it easy to understand.

Role of Platform Engineering in Observability

CTO & Co-Founder at SigNoz

CTO & Co-Founder at SigNoz, Ankit Nayan, took the stage to explore the critical role of Platform Engineering in Observability. He presented example policies to enforce standardization across teams for correlating metrics, traces, and logs. He also delved into the challenges and strategies for managing the reliability and costs of self-hosted observability setups.

Road to Platform Engineering


Co-Founder and CTO, Facets.Cloud, Anshul Sao, continued the momentum with a practical guide on how to get started with platform engineering, offering actionable strategies for implementation. Anshul's talk bridged the gap between theory and practice, giving attendees a clear roadmap for their platform engineering journey. Anshul also showcased how cloud visualisation can be achieved through AI adding the AI flavour to the meetup.

Lightning Sessions


The event featured a series of lightning sessions led by DevOps experts. Seema Saharan, a Site Reliability Engineer at Autodesk, shared insights on starting a Platform Engineering journey with the Crossplane project. Harsh Thakur introduced fresh perspectives on the future of unified package management in DevOps. Vrushali Raut wrapped up the lineup with strategies for overcoming deployment challenges from code to Kubernetes, ensuring smoother releases.

Mixing and Mingling

The day wasn't all serious tech talk, though. A high-energy quiz session had participants competing for cool swag. Meanwhile, a Polaroid stand set up by Loft Labs became a hotspot for attendees eager to capture memories of the day. As the event wound down with pizzas and drinks, the conversations continued, ideas flowed, and new connections were forged.

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

DevOps Experience is the Key to Better Dev Experience​​

As the Platform Meetup demonstrated, enhancing the DevOps experience is not just beneficial—it's essential for fostering a better developer experience. By adopting Platform Engineering, organizations can transform their DevOps teams into product builders who design and deliver tools that empower developers. This shift allows developers to focus on innovation, free from the burden of manual tasks like environment creation. Ultimately, when DevOps teams are equipped with the right tools and mindset, they can offer developers a seamless and efficient experience, leading to greater productivity and success across the board. Platform Engineering is not just about building infrastructure; it’s about building a better experience for everyone involved in the development process.

Here’s what the attendees had to say about the event

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

Wrapping up!

This was more than just an event, it was a glimpse into the future of Platform Engineering. With the diverse range of topics covered by our esteemed speakers, one thing is clear: Platform Engineering is not just a trend, but a fundamental shift in how we approach technology infrastructure and development. It's an exciting time to be in tech, and events like these remind us of the power of community, knowledge sharing, and collective innovation.

Platform Engineering meetup- and Loft Labs

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