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Infrastructure as Catalog (InCa): The Missing Piece in IaC Puzzle
At, we are deeply committed to developing technologies that blend into our daily routin..
Tech Articles
Blue-Green Deployment Conundrum: The Need for Versioned Secrets/ConfigMaps
At Facets, we are committed to optimizing the user experience and ensuring smooth application releas..
K8s PostgreSQL Operator: Transform your database management experience
In our Kubernetes-centric world, certain tasks still fall outside the scope of Kubernetes, leading t..
Overcoming Local Development Hurdles in Microservices with Environment Leasing
In today's development landscape, local testing of code has become increasingly challenging, especia..
Prevent Downtime with The K8s SSL Validity Exporter Monitoring Solution
Did you know that one of the most common causes of website downtime is expired SSL certificates? Whe..
Kubernetes ExternalName: A Hidden Pitfall for DNS Resolution
Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform that has become increasingly popular for m..
Software Product Catalog: The Only Path to Zero Drift in Your SDLC
Today, all the aspects of a software product components including the dependent infrastructure resid..
How to Reduce Immediate Hourly Commitment of AWS RIs In Exigencies
If you run AWS deployment, you would know that Reserved instances (RIs) are a great way to obtain a ..
Facets Cloud Runtime (FCR): The Best Way to Provision Cloud Infrastructure
The General trend in today's world is to create the tools and the pipelines of DevOps in-house to sh..